Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not sure I want to admit...

But..Yes, I did just google my own blog to see if it would come up. And, it came up, after a woman's (also named Mariko) "Divorced Women" profile where she states that she is new to this country and very lonely. Will someone please be her friend on Facebook and take her on a freaking date so she can erase that horrible profile and move on with her life?!

How depressing.


On second thought,

it's probably one of those immigrant marriage scams where the Russian mafya sets up an unsuspecting 'accountant-loner-type' with a hot-18 year old 'guaranteed virgin'-bride named Svetlanna who turns out to be some crazy sex worker/drug trafficker who hawks all of your belongings while you're at work one day, ruins your credit score and gives you herpes.

Hey, it could happen.

Haven't you ever seen Law & Order SVU?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

umm... i thought we agreed to keep my personal life private. Svetlanna's going to be pissed you outed us.