Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Motto:

"Manage Toward Improvement."

We can't climb a mountain in one day, only one step at a time. And, we can't become what we want to be personally, at home and in the work place unless we begin by assessing our strengths and weaknesses and begin managing ourselves, and those we are responsible for, in a positive direction with, not perfection as the goal, but consistent, daily improvement. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year...New Approach...

I've been told that I run in a million different directions, and say a million different things at the same time...
So I'm trying to figure out what it is I WANT TO SAY...AND WHAT DIRECTION I WANT TO GO....and I'm going to start by posting more about Music on my La Musica page. Check it out...let me know if it SUCKS/ROCKS...